WWE 2K22: 15 New CAWs You Must Download Immediately

6. Scott Steiner

WWE 2K22 Cody Rhodes
2K Games


Downloads: 2,557

WCW-era Scott Steiner remains one of the scariest tough guys in pro wrestling history. The man went from mullet-sporting tag-team man to frightening singles star who'd rip heads clean off at the drop of a hat. Now, in 2K22, it's time to bring that 'Big Poppa Pump' run up to date.

The new WWE Hall Of Famer deserves it.

Older WCW fans will appreciate the 'Superstar' era look too, but the chainmail entrance headgear is there in the alternative attire slot if that's more your thing. Steiner has good size to him in-ring as well, which is arguably the most important thing about any Scott CAW.

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