WWE 2K22: 15 New CAWs You Must Download Immediately

4. CM Punk

WWE 2K22 Cody Rhodes
2K Games

Creator: DaChippo

Downloads: 187

Take a bow, DaChippo. You, whomever you are, have just pieced together the best 2022 CM Punk on Community Creations. That's saying something considering the work of others like JaeThaWrestler, but it's the truth. This is honestly the greatest Punk CAW around right now.

It's All Elite goodness, and you need it.

The ink work, in particular, is pretty stunning. That's vital for any Punk creation, and DaChippo got it just right before uploading; they clearly spent some serious time agonising over the ring gear too. Those black and red variants are world class.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.