WWE 2K22: 15 New CAWs You Must Download Immediately

12. Jeff Hardy

WWE 2K22 Cody Rhodes
2K Games

Creator: MBDC

Downloads: 1,900

...and it ain't the Jeff Hardy on-disc in WWE 2K22.

That's a modern version, and it doesn't sit right to download Matt from 2000 and then team him up with Jeff from 2022. If you dare do that, then...stop getting The Hardy Boyz wrong! Only kidding. Individual players are fully-entitled to do as they please.

It is rather baffling that only 1,900 folks have downloaded this Jeff model though. It's slightly newer on the servers than Matt though, so maybe that explains why. Rectify any Hardy loneliness by nabbing this CAW now and reliving peak-era Hardys until your heart is very-much content.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.