WWE 2K22: 15 New CAWs You Must Download Immediately

10. Andrade El Idolo

WWE 2K22 Cody Rhodes
2K Games

Creator: IconicCAWS

Downloads: 43,126

Isn't he handsome?

Anyone who pays attention to CAWs will know just how good IconicCAWS' work is. They've produced another belter in the form of AEW's Andrade El Idolo here. The character only has one attire, but the craftsmanship that's gone into everything from that suit to the skull mask eases that pain.

This is so good it could genuinely be Andrade from WWE 2K19. No, not 2K20. That game was horrible and made most workers look like they'd gone a few rounds with Tyson Fury before hitting the ring. Get El Idolo on your rosters and redeem that ultimately failed WWE run.

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