WWE 2K22: 15 New CAWs You Must Download Immediately

8. Kane

WWE 2K22 Cody Rhodes
2K Games

Creator: MBDC

Downloads: 34,851

Or, kick it old school by downloading classic Kane.

Both modern-day Kane and a mask-less 2008 variation are available in this year's game, but 2K didn't have any room for the scary big bastard who rolled out at Badd Blood to tear that Hell In A Cell door from its hinges. That, dear reader, is a crying shame.

MBDC came through again with this one. The emotionless mask looks terrific here, and it's great to see that the package comes with the full body suit or that one-arm-out attire. Maybe don't try putting the former gear through a 'First Blood' bout though. Who'd do that?!

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