WWE 2K22: 18 Most Realistic WCW CAWs You Must Download Immediately

3. Randy Savage

2K Games

Creator: AJZany

Downloads: 3,844

What up, Mach?

Sure, you could download any number of 1994-1998 Randy Savage models from Community Creations, and you'll have a blast if you do. However, there's something really cool about what AJZany has chosen to do with this CAW. They've replicated Macho Man's final look in WCW before he vanished from screens.

This is the outfit Savage sported when he returned looking massive in the summer of 1999. Most wrestling fans dump on this era of WCW generally, but it was brave of Macho to try and move away from tassels towards something totally new.

Points for trying, if nothing else.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.