WWE 2K22: 49 Playable Wrestlers Who WON'T Return

2. Sting

WWE 2K22
2K Games

WWE 2K20 offered up two distinctly different versions of the Stinger for fans old and young to choose from. Firstly, there was the 'Surfer' variant with the bleach-blonde flattop from the 80s and early-90s. Then, there was the much more popular 'Crow' version from the mid-to-late-90s.

Both were valuable additions to the Legends roster.

Past 2K games had also boasted a current-day model of the icon that was playable too. None of those will be in 2K22 however - Sting, much like 99.9% of this list, now calls AEW home. That brings the curtain down on a run that started back in 2014 with 2K15.

There will be no more Stinger for 2K, which is a bit of a bummer.

He was such a huge part of the Legends wing, and could be considered a genuine selling point for older fans who loved the WCW influence from guys like Sting, the nWo, Ric Flair and more. Who the hell will wrestle Flair in that Great American Bash '90 arena now?!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.