WWE 2K22: Predicting The 20 Highest Rated Superstars

6. Drew McIntyre

WWE 2K22 Edge
2K Games/WWE

WWE 2K20 Rating: 87

Predicted Rating: 92

Yours truly had the exact same response to Drew McIntyre's 87 score as he did for Sasha Banks getting an 80 in 2K20. It's amazing what one push can do for somebody's career; Drew has gone from an upper-tier threat in the last game to a bonafide must-play main-eventer in the next.

2K don't have a choice here - they need to make McIntyre one of the best.

92 seems fair for the Claymore Kicking bad ass. That finisher alone should rank amongst the most devastating in the entire game, and he should be strong beyond belief too. Spamming the kick button with McIntyre should be like booting opponents with a Clydesdale horse.

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