WWE 2K22: Predicting The 20 Lowest Rated Superstars

5. Madcap Moss

WWE 2K22 Sami Zayn
2K Games

WWE 2K20 Rating: N/A

Predicted Rating: 72

What do you call a pro wrestler who's making his first appearance in a WWE game but won't get picked by many gamers? Madcap Moss! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. OK, that wasn't funny, but neither are Madcap's jokes on SmackDown every week.

He's Happy Corbin's jester-style backup, and that means he's getting one of the lowest ratings in 2K22. Anyone who does play as the pair as a tag needs to feel a drop off when Moss enters the ring. Meanwhile, big Corbs can maybe come down a bit himself - 87 is massive for somebody playing a comedy gimmick.

Make him 77, or therein thereabouts, and slap a 72 on Madcap.

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