WWE 2K22: Predicting The 20 Lowest Rated Superstars

14. Drew Gulak

WWE 2K22 Sami Zayn
2K Games

WWE 2K20 Rating: 82

Predicted Rating: 74

Anyone who watches Drew Gulak work bell-to-bell could tell you that he's an excellent technician and one of the most stable hands WWE has. Unfortunately, he comes across as someone who's just scraping by on the roster, and it's obvious that the company don't give a sh*t about him.

Therefore, that 82 rating from 2K20 needs to go.

It's too high. Gulak's current standing on WWE television isn't deserving of anything higher than a mid-70s number; 74 would cut it. There's no way Gulak should be on the same level as other 82s like Sheamus, put it that way.

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