WWE 2K23: 10 Most Anticipated Changes Fans Need To See

3. Range To The Season Pass

WWE 2K23
2K Games

Purchasing WWE 2K22's 'Season Pass' was probably worth it for players who crave more and more from the release as time rolls on. However, all you really get for your cash is a bunch of pre-agreed bonus wrestler packs. In reality, the 'Season Pass' carrot could be so much more than it is.

What's preventing 2K from adding some range here?

Nobody's suggesting for one second that they withhold actual must-have content from 2K23, but sprinkling some new arenas, creation suite tools, story mechanics (if Create-A-Story is coming), match types and more on top every month would keep everyone busy/happy until WWE 2K24 released the following year.

In other words, 2K should go above and beyond to sell the idea that the 'Season Pass' makes pre-ordering essential. Right now, it's possible to just pick and choose which DLC packs you really want (Doink The Clown or RVD; different strokes for different folks) and leaving the rest.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.