WWE 2K23: 10 Reasons To Be REALLY Excited

3. Those Reworked Royal Rumble Rumours

WWE 2K23
2K Games

Despite whinging from some corners of the gamer-base, Royal Rumble are infinitely better in 2K's modern games than they were in the old THQ ones. Go back to play one from the first few SmackDown titles and you'll be finished in less than 10 minutes. There was no attempt to replicate the energy-sapping epic-ness of real-life Rumbles back then.

Of course, 2K can always refine their formula some more to make the famous 30-wrestler match type even better. It'd be sweet, just to spitball one idea, if wrestlers could leave the ring under the top rope and brawl outside (even for a few minutes). It's understandable that this isn't the case, but yeah - it'd open up more possibilities.

Random in-game events, such as wrestlers stalling before getting into the ring or going after their rivals/saving buddies, would be nice to see too. It just feels like 2K would've dedicated some time to making the Rumble a bigger feature again this year.

That could even be part of their reveal at the pay-per-view itself. Why not, eh?

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.