WWE 2K23: 10 Rumours You Need To Know

4. Roman Reigns Showcase Mode?

WWE 2K23 Edge
2K Games

Besides, Roman can always get the Showcase treatment.

The rumour mill believes a 'Tribal Chief' retrospective mode is incoming. Being honest, 2K has a ton to work with here. Playing through Reigns' earliest days would be fun, but they're unlikely to stick The Shield in there much due to one Jon Moxley. That'd be a bit of a bummer, no question.

The good news is this: Roman has had one hell of a career as a solo artist since the group split for the first time in 2014. There's enough content to burn through 15-20 matches here. Bouts vs. Brock Lesnar ('Mania 31), Triple H (32), The Undertaker (33) and beyond are all candidates before one even gets to his current 'Chief' run.

Naturally, that'd take centre stage. Reigns has been the best all-rounder in the business since turning heel two years ago, so 2K could frame the entire Showcase around 2020-2022 if they liked. Or, they could pay tribute to a legend who might not have endless matches ahead of him...

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