WWE 2K23: 13 Best Female CAWs You Must Download

2. Mercedes Mone

WWE 2K23 Mandy Rose
2K Games

Creator: DreCAWS

Downloads: 7,845

Ladies and gents, behold the difference in hype between WWE and literally everything else. Sasha Banks has over 44,000 downloads, but this picture-perfect Mercedes Mone CAW is stuck on just shy of 8,000 downloads. That's no disgrace, of course, but it is interesting.

Perhaps that Mone download will creep up as the months roll on, especially if she shows up in AEW or has a few more marquee matches across the globe. DreCAWS would honestly deserve to see this character be showered in praise.

That entrance attire add-on (the "Mone" bit) is a personal favourite for yours truly. It adds to the overall package.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.