WWE 2K23: 13 Best Female CAWs You Must Download

11. AJ Lee

WWE 2K23 Mandy Rose
2K Games

Creator: Lang

Downloads: 39,017

CM Punk is on the comeback trail in AEW, and some folks on social media believe it's only a matter of time before one AJ Lee wrestles again too. That remains to be seen, but you can make it happen in WWE 2K23 by downloading Lang's expert handiwork.

Turn the clocks back to 2013, people.

Lee just missed out on the main meat of the aforementioned "women's revolution", so she didn't get dream matches vs. Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks, Bayley, Charlotte Flair etc. Being able to make those matches an erm...reality (digital reality?) in 2K23 is loads of fun.

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