WWE 2K23: 15 AEW CAWs You Must Download

6. Toni Storm

2K Games

Creator: Nitsuj

Downloads: 20,068

Admittedly, this Toni Storm model is now a wee bit outdated due to her new (shorter) hairstyle on AEW programming. Don't let that put you off though, because it's still the best Toni around. Over 20,000 people can't be wrong - Nitsuj went to town on Storm, and their efforts paid off.

Bonus points must go to Nitsuj for making sure Toni's red and black gear has a nice sheen to it. Details matter when it comes to the best CAWs, and this is definitely one of the better ones on the suite. Of course, you can always jump into the creation menus and give Storm a haircut if you like.

Get after it.

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