WWE 2K23: 15 Best WCW CAWs You Need To Download

12. Raven

WWE 2K23 Sting
2K Games

Creator: QueenDiscipleOfTheWorld

Downloads: 3,692

Admittedly, it'd be awesome if Raven's hair was a little bit longer and maybe...less fluffy? That might be viewed as an odd statement, and it isn't meant as damning criticism of what QueenDiscipleOfTheWorld has achieved here. They've gone above and beyond to make this Raven package definitive.

Check out those t-shirts for a start. Stunning.

You've got to love CAWs that come with multiple attires; even similar ones like those sported by Raven here are welcome, because they just show passion and attention to detail from the folks putting these downloads together.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.