WWE 2K23: 15 Legends Who Must Be Included

9. Sycho Sid

WWE 2K23 Goldust
2K Games

Last Appearance: WWE 2K19

Confession time: This gamer thought that the version of Sycho Sid in WWE 2K19 was a tad rubbish. It didn't capture the musclebound intensity of the character, nor did it properly put over just how huge Sid was compared to most in his prime.

2K23 can wipe all of that Sycho-related pain away in an instant.

Sid was at his best when in there with smaller guys who could bump around for him. Playing matches against familiar foes Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels sounds good, but matching Sycho up vs. Dolph Ziggler, Mustafa Ali, Seth Rollins etc sounds appealing too.

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