WWE 2K23: 15 TNA CAWs You Must Download

2. Gail Kim

WWE 2K23 AJ Styles TNA
2K Games

Creator: wcruz

Downloads: 4,250

Gail Kim was a true trailblazer of her time. She refused to put up with utter nonsense attitudes towards women's wrestling in WWE during the "Diva"-obsessed days, and carved out a legacy for herself on the TNA side. Those bruising battles vs. Awesome Kong defo stand the test of time.

wcruz nailed it, although it would've been lovely to see a second set of ring gear for our Gail.

That's a small gripe, because the quality of character model is second to none. This is the best version of Kim on Community Creations, and even beats out some really great efforts that aim to honour both failed WWE stints.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.