WWE 2K23: 15 TNA CAWs You Must Download

11. Joe Hendry

WWE 2K23 AJ Styles TNA
2K Games

Creator: marmas

Downloads: 920

Less than 1,000 people have downloaded this Joe Hendry CAW, and that just won't do. Is it facially spot on? Nah, not really, but that shouldn't matter too much during matches at a distance. Besides, there's a lot to like about this download elsewhere.

Check the alt attires. First, you've got Joe's current look on TNA programming. Then, you can dive back into his independent wrestling past to become a "Local/Global Hero" (whichever one suits you) from the ICW/Defiant days.

More Hendry creations should pop up on the community hub as he gains traction in the promotion. The dude's unbelievably entertaining, let's be honest.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.