WWE 2K23: 15 TNA CAWs You Must Download

8. James Storm

WWE 2K23 AJ Styles TNA
2K Games

Creator: SteveWiseblood

Downloads: 4,891

What was that about Beer Money vs. Motor City Machine Guns in 2023/2024?! OK, so one Bobby Roode isn't on this list, but TNA versions of him do exist via Community Creations if that's your thing. If not, then just download James Storm solo and go 'Cowboy' on everyone in sight.

Time to put that all-too-brief NXT run right second time around, y'know? Storm should've got a fairer crack of the whip in WWE circles, but one of the best things about these video games is you can find out what might've happened if James had stuck around.

Top, top CAW.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.