WWE 2K23: 18 Best Legends CAWs You Must Download

2. Mr. Perfect

WWE 2K23 Mankind
2K Games

Creator: KINGofdaRING

Downloads: 6,022

It's a bit rubbish that technical wizard and big bump machine Curt Hennig wasn't included on the roster in WWE 2K23. You can't have everybody, sure, but he's a firm favourite with fans young and old. The good news is that KINGofdaRING went to town on an old-school Mr. Perfect that's erm...perfect for your needs.

Forget the fact that image above makes him look like a giant Refreshers bar (Google it).

Tag-teaming this download with a SummerSlam 1991 arena means you'll be able to recreate Perfect's timeless Intercontinental Title battle vs. Bret Hart. Or, if you're into fantasy warfare, why not put on a clinic opposite GUNTHER?

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.