WWE 2K23: 18 Best Legends CAWs You Must Download

14. Luna Vachon

WWE 2K23 Mankind
2K Games

Creator: ScheiBeCreations

Downloads: 462

Yes, Luna Vachon is a wrestling legend and your writer won't hear any different. She can be considered one of WWE's original pioneers for the female game, because nobody was really like Luna back in the day. She was 'anti-Diva' before that was even really a thing.

Respect the mullet too.

Vachon's wild child approach is a must have if you're looking to bolster the women's division in WWE 2K23. Maybe you've got a Universe Mode save that's exclusively female, or perhaps you're going for a retro theme but need more women to pad things out. Either way, Luna is ready.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.