WWE 2K23: 21 Wrestlers Making Their Series Debut

6. Ridge Holland

WWE 2K23 Bron Breakker

Ladies and gents, behold the magic of choice yet again. Come 2K23, you can either have Butch/Pete Dunne fly solo or keep his Brawling Brutes tag-team alongside Ridge Holland going. Alternatively, some crazy cats out there in the community may fancy Ridge and Sheamus as a full-time tag instead.

Don't, you'll make Drew McIntyre cry.

Seriously though, this is Ridge's first appearance in WWE games and he'll be chuffed with that. He'll probs have the old flat cap on too. In a neat touch, 2K lets players f*ck around with character attires, so that's no major problem if you simply can't abide the cap.

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WWE 2K23
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.