WWE 2K23: Predicting The 20 Highest Rated Superstars

7. The Undertaker (1998)

WWE 2K23 Seth Rollins
2K Games

WWE 2K22 Rating: 93

Predicted Rating: 93

Confession time: This guy didn't want to litter the list with repeat variations of the same wrestler. The Undertaker has several different versions from different eras of his iconic career on offer, and it'd be a bit boring if he appeared three-four times on the list.

So, let's single one version out, and let's make it his 1998 peak.

93 is the score that model is getting here. That's the same as it was in 2K22, but it's higher than ratings for 'Taker from 2002 (92), 2020 (91), 2010 (91) and 1995 (88). 93 is nothing to be sniffed at then!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.