WWE 2K23: Predicting The 20 Highest Rated Superstars

5. Hulk Hogan

WWE 2K23 Seth Rollins
2K Games

WWE 2K22 Rating: 91

Predicted Rating: 93


People can say what they want (and they have) about Hulk Hogan, but the history books say he's one of the biggest stars ever. Last year, Hogan's nWo character bagged a 93 overall. Meanwhile, the "classic" red and yellow variant scored a 91.

Now is the time to drag red and yellow up to 93 as well.

Look, anyone who picks Hulk in a WWE game expects him to be one of the better superstars on the roster. That's just the way it is, and that'll never change. He's a 93, but still not the greatest on offer in WWE 2K23.

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