WWE 2K23: Predicting The 20 Highest Rated Superstars

3. The Rock

WWE 2K23 Seth Rollins
2K Games

WWE 2K22 Rating: 93

Predicted Rating: 94

Again, much like with Ronda Rousey and others, The Rock may have roared back onto WWE programming by the time you read this. That depends on who you believe, of course. Is Dave Meltzer right when he says Rocky probably won't be involved in WrestleMania 39 season?

Only time will tell.

One thing's for sure: Rock is going to see a slight jump in his rating for 2K23. 93 is a fantastic number, but 94? 94 is even better. 2K's scores do seem to be creeping ever-closer to that ridiculous "perfect" 100, so this isn't too outlandish a prediction.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.