WWE 2K23: Predicting The 20 Lowest Rated Superstars

8. Humberto

WWE 2K23 Shelton Benjamin
2K Games

WWE 2K22 Rating: 77

Predicted Rating: 72

Naturally, Humberto would have to become an almost-identical character to his tag-team partner Angel in WWE 2K23. There's really no good reason to separate their ratings (even slightly) like 2K did in the last game. There, Humberto scored 77 to Angel's 79.

Just make them the same, guys. It's totally acceptable to do that.

Gamers can always muck about with the ratings themselves in the menus if they think they're too high or low, but it's doubtful anybody would be splitting hairs about a low score for Los Lotharios. Repeat time: Angel and Humberto are this generation's Kaientai.

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