WWE 2K24: 10 Rumours You Need To Know

4. The Showcase Will Be Another Legend

WWE 2K24 CM Punk Bray Wyatt
2K Games

Trish Stratus isn't the only WWE icon being rumoured for the Showcase treatment. Fellow legends as varied as Steve Austin, The Undertaker and Triple H have been mentioned. Similarly, current roster stars like Randy Orton and The Miz (who both have lengthy lineage) have been name-dropped by fans too.

Austin would be a curious choice considering he was the focal point of a Showcase back in WWE 2K16. Granted, that feels like a lifetime ago now, but the point stands that most in the mood to purchase 2K24 will likely have already fired through 'Stone Cold's' biggest and best moments elsewhere long before now.

So, 'Taker or Trips it is then.

Edge was surely in the running for one of these Showcases before he ditched that name and inked a deal with AEW in 2023. It'll be a bit crap to see his character model removed from the lineup in 2K24, but that's hardly 2K's fault.

There are plenty of legends to choose from anyway.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.