WWE 2K's Social Media Gets Hacked
Someone's having a lot of fun with 2K's Twitter and Facebook accounts...

As if WWE 2K20 needed more bad press.
2K's official Twitter account acknowledged that the developer's social media accounts have been "compromised" by hackers who are posting "offensive material" this week. This is yet another chapter of sadness for 2K following 2K20's miserable launch.
Hackers posted several messages like, "WWE is fake", and other unsavoury comments about Triple H, Randy Orton, Nikki Bella and more. There were also allegations of terrorism coming from somebody using the username 'NuBLoM' (who "runs the world", apparently).
Obviously, this is something 2K Games are taking very seriously. This news comes at the end of a sorry PR cycle for the once-proud company, and there should be no doubts that WWE top brass won't be happy with the social media scandal either.
2K say they are "actively working to fix this as soon as possible". Whilst this is hardly the first time anyone's company-led account has been hacked on social media, it is embarrassing for the brand and does cloud 2K20 in yet more negativity.
Expect passwords to be changed promptly and the offending posts to be deleted shortly.