Xbox: 11 Studios Microsoft Might Buy Next
2. Remedy Entertainment
Finnish game studio that specializes in groundbreaking action with distinctly cinematic, off-kilter plotlines. Their flavourful line-up includes Max Payne 1-2, Alan Wake, Quantum Break, and most recently, Control.
Why Likely:
After selling the Max Payne franchise off to Rockstar in 2004, Remedy worked exclusively with Microsoft for a decade, becoming one of their most renowned second-party developers, and a major supporting talent during the tough early years of Xbox One.
If Remedy could persist in those non-idyllic times, certainly they should enjoy Spencer's new hands-off ownership policies? Their infrastructure and tech would fit like-hand-in-glove into the current Xbox first-party line-up.
Why Not:
While Remedy holds a prominent history with Microsoft, the tumultuous development of Quantum Break had them decide to go multi-platform with their trippy shooter Control, plus rumors swirled about sellout meetings with Sony.
However, they recently developed the campaign mode for Xbox-exclusive CrossfireX. Perhaps bridges have been mended?
If Microsoft wants them though, they have to wait for them to finish their two-game publishing contract with Epic Games, so this likely won't be happening any time soon... but maybe later?
Buying Temperature: Lukewarm