Xbox 720: 10 Reasons It’ll Win Console War Over PS4

6. Good Things Come To Those Who Wait

PS4 After Microsoft beat them to the punch last time, Sony are extremely conscious about not being caught down with their pants down, and apparently are keen to release the PS4 before the Xbox 720. Given that rumours suggest the 720 will be launching in early November, that would mean an October release for the PS4 at the very latest. However, with their goodwill among gamers last generation, it's unlikely that a waiting period of a few weeks will do anything to damage Microsoft's sales figures; they proved with the 360 that they know what they're doing, and didn't suffer the litany of problems throughout the platform's life cycle that the PS3 did. While the early bird often catches the worm, Microsoft has a dedicated legion of gamers, and as long as Microsoft posts a strong showing in a few weeks, there's no reason not to expect them to come out on top a few months after release (when it's been able to close the several-week gap between the 720 and PS4). Wouldn't it be fascinating if both platforms released on the same day? We can only dream...
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at]