Xbox Game Pass: 10 Hidden Gems You Must Play

7. Payday 2: Crimewave Edition

Ruiner Game Art

Since its release, all the way back in 2013, Payday 2 has seen its fair share of changes. Thankfully, its current state just so happens to be the best it has ever been.

You'll be tasked with robbing all sorts of places from art museums to the traditional bank, all while maintaining hostages and taking on the cops in intense shootouts.

The charm of Payday comes from playing with friends. If you and a group of friends happen to be members of Gamepass then this is an absolute must play. While there is matchmaking in the game, the enjoyment skyrockets while playing with friends and coordinating jobs together.

Things start slow as you're just getting started and levelling up, but after the ball starts rolling you'll be hooked. There's an absurd amount of jobs and difficulties to choose from, and planning each job has a separate level of strategy.

On the customization front, there's multiple skill trees to invest in which gives you multiple ways to play, as well as hundreds of masks to choose from.

All of this leads to an experience that's easy to sink a decent amount of time into.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.