Xbox One: 10 Stupid Mistakes It's Already Made

3. Mandatory Kinect

xbox-one-kinect-600x300 This, understandably, angered a lot of people, me included; being forced to have something many of us do not want or intend to use. Kinect 2.0 features improvements over the original, and can apparently identify each person in a house as they walk into the room, and then bring up their personalised entertainment preferences. It also has a much wider field of view, and can detect and measure your heart rate, hand gestures and facial expressions. It also has a 1080p camera and four microphones. It is essentially having Big Brother and/or The All-Seeing Eye in your front room, watching and listening to your every word and action, all the while sending your personal information to companies (and potentially government agencies) you've never heard of. Don't be surprised if you see men in black suits following you, taking photos of you and using those ear-radios (like the Agents in The Matrix). At first, Kinect 2.0 was mandatory, but fortunately Microsoft saw sense and recently announced that you do not have to have Kinect connected for the console to function. So, you can relax with the thought that you can pop out for a pint of milk without the Secret Service watching you.
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XBox One
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A self-motivated, dedicated and responsible person. A strong interest and wide knowledge of computer software, primarily in gaming development. I have interests in music, film and TV. Other interests include current affairs, motoring, drawing and history. I have a strong and life-long interest in computer games starting way back in 1994. (FYI: It is East Yorkshire NOT (North) Humberside)