Xbox One: 12 Cool Tips, Tricks & Secrets You Must Try

11. Calibrate Your Kinect's Microphone Properly

Whisper it, but the Kinect actually isn't all that bad - providing you set the thing up properly anyway. There's a myriad of things that can get in the way of the machine knowing you're giving a soldier an order in Ryse versus say, loading Volgarr the Viking, but to ensure that never happens it's best to calibrate the Kinect effectively with this neat tip. Simply urn your TV's speakers as far up as they'll go during the detection step of the Kinect process, as it'll then note they're too loud. Of course you then turn them back down gradually so the system recognises this louder environment as its baseline listening level - making the microphone far more sensitive to your commands in the future. Hopefully this will get you around the many instances of having to repeat yourself multiple times for commands to register to work.
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