Xbox One X: 10 Critical Reactions You Need To Know

8. 4K Media Support Is Strong

Stranger Things Season 2 Poster
"Like the One S before it, the One X is now the most appealing console for home theater enthusiasts thanks to its ultra-HD Blu-ray drive and Dolby Atmos audio support. That ability to play 4K movies off of physical media is something the competing PS4 Pro strangely doesn’t offer." - IGN
"Beyond gaming, the console is also perfect for media junkies - there’s 4K Netflix on-board alongside a 4K app for YouTube, Amazon will make its Prime Video app UHD compatible starting on November 7 and, when all else fails, there’s a 4K Blu-ray player built into the box - a feature that no other console maker has at the moment. The console also supports Dolby Atmos audio, among other audio formats, making video playback sound as good as it looks." - Techradar
"Aside from games, the Xbox One X is also an entertainment center of sorts. The 4K Blu-ray drive will bring you crisp movies with Dolby Atmos and HDR 10 (but no Dolby Vision) support, and it’s an addition the PS4 Pro lacks." - The Verge

Though Microsoft has taken a few steps back from their arguably excessive obsession with media support in the past, the One X nevertheless takes good care of users who want to watch 4K video content on the platform.

In addition to the litany of apps, the console comes with a 4K Blu-ray drive, something even the PS4 Pro hilariously doesn't have, ensuring that you can play UHD Blu-rays without needing to buy an expensive additional player.

Simply, the One X is a great all-rounder, primed not only for 4K games but eye-popping 4K video also.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.