Xbox Project Scorpio Reveal - 10 Things We Learned

7. You'll Feel The Benefit Of Playing On Scorpio Without A 4K TV

Halo 5 Guardians
343 Industries

Regardless of whether you've got a regular HD set only capable of outputting 720p, or can go all the way up to 4K, the Scorpio will give you better performance in terms of frame-rates and picture clarity from top to bottom.

Obviously, actual native 4K output is contingent on owning a 4K TV, but like the PS4 Pro, there are a number of positives that still apply, even if you haven't upgraded your television.

This is an even more worthwhile point, being the biggest question of any modular system is "How much of an upgrade will I see?". In Sony's case, it took months of nothing to write home about before they patched in the 'Boost Mode', unlocking every game's frame rate and resolution potential - though by then, any remote hype had dissipated.

Hopefully, Microsoft can continue to showcase the Scorpio as a system everyone will feel the benefit of, providing that's how their marketing goes from here.

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