Xbox Series X: Every Confirmed Feature You Need To Know

2. Dedicated Cooling Features (VERY Quiet)

xbox series x

Remember the almost-on-fire debacle of the Xbox 360? The sheer amount of systems that overheated and "red ringed"?

In the end, literally half of all Xbox 360s (54.2% to be exact) would internally combust and need replacing.

It's testament to how well Microsoft performed that we forget how much they messed up, but overheating has been a talked-about issue with each hardware iteration since.

To that end - almost like whoever cut the trailer together fwas saying "Look, it's right here! Don't worry!" - the Series X will have a large main fan housed inside its top side, making it as whisper quiet as the Xbox One X.

Letting all the heat escape out the top of the system is the wisest and fastest way to stay on top of any internal buildup, and should mean the days of wondering whether your TV unit is restricting system functionality are long gone.*


*Unless you use the horizontal configuration, of course.

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