XCOM: 10 Things The Next Game Must Have

2. Better UFO Interception

XCOM interception Let€™s face it €“ XCOM:EU€™s UFO interception was a Quick Time Event (QTE) that used consumables made from alien corpses. With no ability to scramble multiple interceptors at one time to take on UFOs and no ability to give orders without having researched alien corpses and made the consumables, it lacked even the simple tactical flexibility of X-COM€™s interception system. While the little animation of the ships fighting is greatly appreciated, it€™s not enough to save this system. So how can Firaxis make this better? The ability to send two or more interceptors after a target would be a good start, especially when paired with actual tactical commands that don€™t require consumables. If they have to keep the consumables, they shouldn€™t make them specific to a certain subtype of alien, like they currently are. If you run out of the Aim and Dodge modules late in the game, you might never be able to build more because the aliens needed to make them (Sectoids and Floaters) rarely show up at that point. By that point of the game, Sectoid Commanders and Heavy Floaters are common, so they could easily be used as a substitute.

Living in Florida, enjoying the weather when its good, writing for a living. TV, Film, Animation, and Games are my life blood. Follow me on Twitter @xbsaint. Just try not to get too mad when I live tweet during Toonami.