XCOM: Enemy Within - 8 Reasons It Is 2012 & 2013’s Game Of The Year

3. Insanely Intense Gameplay Situations

Xcom Fire €˜Permadeath€™ €“ A term born from games where death is a permanent end, requiring either a reload to save your fallen brethren (if you're a wuss), or in XCOM€™s Ironman mode, complete and total failure should your squad get wiped out. It is a gaming term adapted into the overall vernacular, and one that instils great fear amongst players young and old, as the ropes initially learned from franchises such as this slip through their fingers. Said fingers will become incredibly sweaty as you alternate between yelling expletives at a game you swear was unfair, yet deep down it€™s your own failings that are to blame. One of the best features about Enemy Within€™s Meld implementation is that the canisters you must retrieve on-mission expire after a certain amount of turns, so it€™s within your best interest if you wish to pursue the fruitful bounties of soldier-modification, to run out and ahead and seek them out. Doing so of course puts you at great risk to the unknown entities awaiting your slaughter, but making that last ditch effort to peg it across the landscape, or sacrificing a rookie to ensure the survival of the human race, is another choice you'll have to make. Maybe that seems a little grandiose? Trust me though, you€™ll be making up these little epithets and infusing them throughout your team in every mission, bonding with these otherwise characterless avatars in a way that is unique to the game, feeding perfectly into those moments when it seems like your star soldier is about bite the business end of an alien tentacle.
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