You Can Play Doom 4 For Free On April 15th
Are Call of Duty's days numbered? Find out for yourself.

If you missed your chance to delve intothe depths of hell inApril'sclosed Doo, beta; Bethesda are opening up access to everyone in the coming weeks.
The open beta will be available to everyone Saturday April 15th-17th. Like the closed beta, youll have access to Team Deathmatch and Warpath on the Heatwave and Infernal maps. Feedback onlinehas been mostly positive, withthe general consensus being thatgameplay is very fast and smooth, withweapons beingwellbalanced and varied.
Ever since it was announced at last year's E3,DOOM has attracted a lot of attention back to the franchise,all thanks tofast-paced gameplay and some truly brutalfatality-esqueanimations in both first and third person. Such a sublime combo hasgivenfanssomething to finally get excited about afterover a decade of timebetween releases.
It's about time too, as Call of Duty looks to be going off the deep end. Activision's shooter looks to beseverely losing touch with its fans by setting the next instalment entirelyin space,asEA are keeping quiet on details for the nextBattlefield, and Star WarsBattlefront remains a content-less husk, desperately in need of more maps, characters and abilities.
Could Doom's return to arena shooting bethe pure experience that first-person shooter fans crave? You can see for yourself come April 15th.
DOOM launches May 13th for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.