Yu-Gi-Oh: 10 Most Powerful Blue-Eyes Cards

1. Crystron Halqifibrax (AKA Needlefiber)

The card Konami feared releasing, Crystron Halqifibrax is a generic link 2 monster that heavily favours decks that synchro summon and feature a lot of tuner monsters in the deck.

Upon summon it allows you to special summon a tuner monster from your deck, the typical targets are the 'eggs', both cards generate card advantage when they go to the graveyard when we eventually link them away or use them to synchro summon.

The ability on Halqifibrax allows Blue-Eyes decks to 'link climb' and allows easy access to link 4 monsters like Apollousa or Saryuja Skull Dread.

When Master Rule 4 kicked in when the first link monsters came out it heavily influenced competitive deck building as it completely rewrote the rules on summoning from the extra deck. Blue-Eyes is still without a dedicated link monster (one that references the Blue-eyes or cards in the archetype) and as a result, its competitive viability took a nosedive.

While not direct support Crystron Halqifibrax is the link monster Blue-Eyes decks sorely missed. Its second ability allows you to synchro summon on your opponents turn, a truly unique effect that allows the Blue-Eyes player to interrupt and interact with their opponent during their turn.

Halqifibrax has only been out in the TCG for a couple of months but already the community are calling for it to be banned. In Blue-Eyes variants like the pure build or the dragon link build it's relatively fair but in other decks its a one-card combo that essentially locks your opponent out from playing the game.

The main reason it deserves the top spot is because of how long it took to come out, it's been the topic of duelists for so long it's become a bit of meme.

When cards first get spoiled from the OCG (the original card game, as its called in Japan) it typically takes four to six months before they're released in the TCG (trading card game, as its called in the West).

The problem with Halqifibrax is there was never a good time to release it in the TCG and now, almost three years after it's first reveal it interacts unfairly with so many cards it's warping the game to the point every deck needs to play it!

As time goes on the Blue-Eyes White Dragon will continue to receive support - it's one of the most iconic and nostalgic monsters in the game! In fact, there's rumoured to be new support for it in the 2020 Summer Mega-Tins so be sure to keep an eye out for that!

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Trading card aficionado. Stubborn Sega fan.