10 Criminally Overlooked Metallica Tracks You Need To Listen To Again

5. Poor Twisted Me (Load, 1995)

http://youtu.be/eyzLk81Wx7Y Here's a song that pays tribute to the so-called €œlowest form of wit.€ With Load poising them alongside their more €œalternative rock€ contemporaries and rivals, Metallica asserted themselves with a track that seems to make fun of the woe-is-me crowd that could dominate the genre. €œI feast on sympathy/I chew on suffer/I chew on agony€ moans Hetfield, before giving the proverbial wink by claiming €œit€™s too good to be, all this misery.€ Hammett€™s delayed guitar chimes in and around the song to ethereal effect before a more energetic final act draws the curtain.

Currently undertaking NCTJ (journalism qualification), do a lot of music writing and very interested in literature, film, current affairs and anything else in between. Find me on Twitter - @jjviney