10 Worst Music Lyrics Of The '80s

9. We Built This City - Starship

A song that turns up on numerous most hated songs of the '80s lists, there are many reasons why people feel less than positive towards Starship's mega hit. Could it be that it appears on virtually every '80s radio show as if there is a contractual obligation to play it? Could it be the fact that the 'rock and roll' of which they sing is entirely absent from the record? It is probably both of those plus the fact that lyrically it is pure nonsense.

There are a couple of moments of overwhelming inanity. Firstly the line, 'Marconi plays the mamba' in the pre-chorus. Does anybody actually know what that means? Moving on, 'Who counts the money underneath the bars' - dunno, who? and then, 'Who rides the wrecking ball into our guitars?' It's as if they want us to find something significant in the endless line of meaningless questions - there is no meaning!

Starship used to be '60s ''peace and love, man' band, Jefferson Starship, of 'White Rabbit' fame. By the time of their '80s hits their original fans felt betrayed by the band's acceptance of corporate rock and the rest of us just wanted them to stop.


Lifelong music obsessive, regular contributor to US guitar magazines, sometime radio presenter, singer/guitarist in Star Studded Sham, true believer in the power of rock'n'roll and an amp turned up to 11, about to publish first novel, The Bulletproof Truth.