In 2011, British researchers uncovered the unique way coral shields itself against harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. They believed the discovery could pave the way for a sunscreen revolution with a tablet that protects both skin and eyes. If the research progresses as hoped, the first sunscreen pill could potentially become a reality within five years (2016). The researchers analysed coral samples from the Great Barrier Reef and found that Algae living within the coral produced a special compound that was transported to the coral, then modified to protect both the algae and the coral from the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. Not only that, but fish feeding on the coral were also found to benefit, so it was clearly passed up the food chain. Progress on the results have been slow and various 'tanning pills' are already on the market but in America the FDA don't regulate these pills so there's no way of actually seeing if they work. Recently, there has been more calls for alternatives for sunscreen as a study, by the University of Florida, Tel Aviv University and the Haereticus Environmental Laboratory, looked at coral reefs in the US Virgin Islands and Hawaii over several years. It found that suncream ingredient oxybenzone found in Hawaiian Tropic, Maui Beach, Coppertone and Baby Blanket Faces breaks the coral down and takes away its nutrients and eventually the coral can die leaving a ghost white shell in its place. This means the call for regulator and further research into pills that prevent sunburn could become a reality in 2016.