Page 4 - Star Trek


10 Star Trek Actors Who Suffered From Typecasting

A role in Star Trek can ensure a legacy, but sometimes at a price.
By Jack Kiely

10 Star Trek Moments That Broke Our Hearts

Were you feeling happy and relaxed? Star Trek is here to cut the legs right out from under you
By Sean Ferrick

Star Trek: 10 Characters Who MUST Return (2024)

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, Discovery, Starfleet Academy, Lower Decks, Legacy...
By Sean Ferrick

10 Star Trek Captains Who Broke The Rules

Star Trek's naughtiest Captains.
By Sean Ferrick

Star Trek: 10 First Contacts We Need To See

In Star Trek, first contact doesn't always mean a movie. Sometimes, you get six seasons too
By Jack Kiely

10 Star Trek Nepo Babies

Not even Star Trek is immune to the rise of the Nepo Baby! How many of these did you spot
By Sean Ferrick

Star Trek: 10 Characters That Should Teach In Starfleet Academy

Who fancies joining the faculty for the long-awaited Star Trek: Starfleet Academy?
By Jack Kiely

Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Romulans

They're Star Trek's most secretive species. This article will get you a visit from the Tal…
By Jack Kiely

10 Terrible Star Trek Episodes With Awesome Endings

Further proof that Star Trek knows how to stick the landing, even on shaky flights
By Jack Kiely

10 Best Opening Scenes From Movie Prequels

Mutant reintroductions, heartbreaking sci-fi sacrifices, and more top-class movie prequel…
By Gareth Morgan