10 Greatest "I'm Dead And I Know It" Moments From Modern Doctor Who

6. Yvonne Hartman - Doomsday

Doctor Who Face The Raven

Yvonne Hartman headed up Torchwood One as the second season of Doctor Who came to a close. Under her leadership, Canary Wharf was built up around a crack in the fabric of reality, much to the Doctor's annoyance. As he said, it was typical human behaviour to start poking at something unusual, rather than just leaving it alone.

It certainly would have been best if Hartman had heeded his advice earlier, as she unwittingly allowed an entire army of Cyberman to cross over from an alternate reality to ours, taking the form of supposed ghosts while they learned to make the journey permanent. Although there were more problems to deal with, in the form of four Daleks that had caused the crack initially, Hartman's demise comes at the steel hands of the Cybermen.

She is brought down to their conversion factory, exuding the traditional stiff upper lip of the British. She walks resolutely into the chamber, hearing the screams all around her, repeating 'I did my duty for Queen and country' over and over again, right up until the moment her brain is extracted.

At least she manages to off a few Cybermen after conversion, but it is a hollow victory.

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Doctor Who
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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick