10 Greatest "I'm Dead And I Know It" Moments From Modern Doctor Who

5. Billy Shipton - Blink

Doctor Who Face The Raven
BBC Studios

Billy Shipton gets a raw bloody deal in Blink. While the episode is rightly considered one of the best episodes of Doctor Who overall, featuring a fantastic performance from Carey Mulligan as Sally Sparrow, that doesn't mean that poor Billy doesn't get the short straw here.

Zapped back in time by the Weeping Angels, the Doctor and Martha are trapped in the sixties. Luckily for them, so is Billy Shipton, the police officer who was trying to help Sally. Unluckily for him, they need to get a message to Sally, with the only way of doing so being Billy passing it on - fifty years later.

As the Tenth Doctor said, the Angels let you live yourself to death and, when Sally encounters him again, Billy is an old man in a hospital bed. Thanks to the Doctor, after he has passed on his message, he knows that he only has a short time of life left. In fact, he knows that when Sally enters the ward, he has until the rain stops left to live.

He faces it with bravery, holding her hand as they wait together. It's beautiful and rough, all at the same time.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick