12 Most Powerful Superhero TV Show Villains Of All Time
6. Doomsday - Krypton
For a show that met the dreaded axe of cancellation after Season 2, Krypton definitely had its bright spots. Most of which surrounded the brilliant antagonists with whom the show was blessed.
While Brainiac brought his classic civilization-erasing genocidal genius to the mix, Doomsday brought the sheer terrifying violence that few other comic book characters are capable of.
Initially presented as a myth, Doomsday slowly became an important part of plot, as it became known he was once a regular Kryptonian who signed up for a special experimented meant to save his save people.
Knowing his power, General Zodd was desperate to manipulate him to fight Brainiac on his behalf. In Season 2, he succeeded. And since Brainiac was no longer a threat to him, Zodd chose to deploy his new super weapon against the Kryptonian rebels.
This led to some unforgettable sequences of brutality as Doomsday tore through ranks of soldiers like they were tissue paper. Including one of the best Doomsday scene ever as all the audibles were shut off and Kem waited in horror while a massive presence approached him from the back.