28 Doctor Who Actors Who Died In 2022

6. David Warner

Doctor Who Wilfred Mott Bernard Cribbins
BBC Studios

David Warner was born in July 1941, and although he appeared on-screen in Doctor Who only once, as Professor Grisenko in the Eleventh Doctor episode Cold War, he had previously appeared in many Big Finish productions. He originated the role of the Unbound Doctor, while also appearing in the New Eighth Doctor Adventure, Deimos, as Professor Boston Schooner. He played Lord Azlok in the animated serial Dreamland, and had previously been suggested for the role of the Seventh Doctor, before Sylvestor McCoy was cast.

Warner's career spanned decades. We have already covered much of his contributions to Star Trek in our list of those actors who have appeared in Star Trek who passed away in 2022, but Warner's extensive contribution to Doctor Who is perhaps even greater.

He originally went into acting to escape, as he described it, a messy childhood situation. He would go on to be the youngest ever performer to play Hamlet, and thus a long career on stage, television, and film began. He played Jack The Ripper in Nicholas Meyer's Time After Time, and of course the ill-fated Keith Jennings in The Omen. He later said that working alongside Gregory Peck was a career highlight.

He originated the role of Ra's-Al-Gul in Batman: The Animated Series, reprising the part several times. Warner passed away on 24th July. He was 80 years old.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick